4 Tips to Brighten Up Your Home Office

brighten up your home office

Working from home is the future. Communication technology has advanced so much in the past decade or so that colleagues can conduct meetings and collaborate on projects from anywhere in the globe. The global pandemic has accelerated this trend by forcing companies to adopt new technologies and hybrid methods of working.

How do I brighten up my home office?

If you have found yourself working from home, then you have no doubt realized the many benefits. Without a lengthy commute or unnecessary meetings, you have a lot more time in your day. You can focus on complex tasks without the distractions of your coworkers and you can work according to your own schedule without fear of micromanagement or interruption.

But in order to get the most from remote working, it is essential that the conditions are perfect. You can’t just sit in bed with your laptop on your knees, or on the sofa with the TV blaring in the background. Instead, you should ensure you have your own home office in which to get things done. In order to maximize your productivity and mental health, this office should be comfortable, well-equipped, and most importantly, it should make you feel good. The last thing you want is a dark, gloomy office with mess everywhere.

If you want to boost your mood and work more effectively from home, here are four tips to brighten up your home office.

Keep it tidy

Your working conditions have a huge impact on your mental state and cognitive abilities. An untidy desk littered with coffee stains and waste paper will make you feel stressed and unable to focus. But on the other hand, a well-organized work space with plenty of empty space will make you feel calmer and more able to concentrate. Make sure everything has a place in your office, which could mean investing in some storage solutions. Tidy up your work space at the end of each day, and you’ll have a clean, shiny office to enter each morning. 

Add personal touches

If your home office has bare walls and no sign of any personality, you need to add some of your own character. A few personal touches like photos of your loved ones, souvenirs from your travels, or your favorite artwork will make you feel happy and inspired throughout the working day.

Let the light in

Natural light has an enormous impact on your metal health, so make sure your office has plenty of it. Position your desk near the window to maximize the sunlight, and move any large furniture that might be blocking in. If you have grubby windows, hire a company such as Labor Panes to get them sparkling clean.


If you’re using a spare box room or garage for your home office, it might not be the most attractive of spaces. But if you’re serious about working form home, you should make more of an effort to liven it up. Take some time to decorate by painting the walls, installing some carpet, and buying some attractive furniture. Whatever it takes to make your home office a beautiful place to work.