Avoiding The Health Risks Of A Desk Job

Compared to many career lifestyles out there, sitting behind a desk for eight hours a day can often seem like one of the safest and most comfortable approaches you can get. Of course, we’re not about to make an argument that writing all day is more arduous than working a hard construction job, or working on an oil tanker, or working as a first responder, or anything of that nature.

That said, careers aren’t a competition, and it’s important to assess that something which may be a problem for one employee may not be a problem for another, given their role. Often, the grass can look greener on the other side, too. For instance, the desk worker may sometimes dream about getting out in nature from time to time, while someone running a farm may wish for the chance to sit down and work at a computer for a while.

While desk jobs may seem easy on the surface, there’s a good amount of physical conditioning going on, and problems can occur if we’re not careful about resolving them ahead of time. In this post, we hope to discuss that outcome and more. Please, consider:

Use Ergonomic Computer Peripherals

Using ergonomic computer peripherals will help you avoid the possibility of harming your fingers, hands, wrists, and back over time. This is because ergonomic furniture and computer goods will help you sit up straight, work in an alert manner, and conform the natural movements of your body. For instance, an ergonomic mouse for mac can help you work more comfortably all day than anything else, reducing the strain you put on your body over time, and lessening the chances of a repetitive strain injury significantly.

Stand Up When You Can

It’s good to stand up and give your body the chance to move around when this is possible. Sitting for long periods can be tough on your body, particularly your hips and their flexibility, and making sure this is cared for ahead of time can make a massive difference. In some cases, using a standing desk can help you most of all, giving you the chance to alternate. Still, we’d recommend you stretch your legs at least once an hour.

Stretch Regularly & Breath “Into Your Stomach”

It’s important to breathe properly when at a desk. Many of us tend to slouch and break into our chests, but ‘breathing into our stomachs,’ or at least, allowing our stomach to rise and fall instead of our chest when breathing, will help us breathe more deeply into the lungs, allowing us to feel more alert, awake, and get the benefits of good blood oxydization. We’d also recommend you get up and stretch regularly, as static stretches like overhead arm holds or even dynamic stretches like squats can help iron out the kinks of your body properly.

With this advice, we hope you will continue to avoid the health risks of a desk job going forward.