Driving Doesn’t Have To Cost You A Fortune!

Many people face a difficult challenge: cornering driving. They need to drive and have a car to get to work and live their lives. However, they also find that owning and running a car is one of their biggest expenses, something that with the current shortages and fuel cost rises, is set to only get worse. 

The good news is there are some tactics you can use to keep the costs of driving as low as possible. Keep reading to find out what they are.

Buying a car 

There are so many options to consider when buying a car, from whether to go for the most powerful engine type to whether to choose new or used. Of course, there is no single right answer when it comes to what will save you the most money, but it does always pay to compare the options that are in front of you. 

For example, you may think that buying a secondhand vehicle will be cheaper, but if it doesn’t come with a warranty you can end up spending a great deal of money just keeping it functional and on the road. 

Similarly, you may have your site set on a specific make and model of car, but reducing the engine size could help you keep your insurance and fuel costs down. 


While we are on the topic of insurance, you will find that as a driver the cost per year to stay on the road can be massive. That is why it’s worth your while to find ways of reducing this. In addition to the strategy mentioned above, you might also like to add another family member to your insurance policy. This can help as if they have more experience driving than you it can lower your policy. 

Also always remember to compare and negotiate your insurance premiums. After all, they are a product that is sold in the traditional sense of the world, and that means there tends to be considerable wiggle room on each policy. New customers often get a better deal too, so if your current insurer is charging too much don’t be afraid to move to another. 

Another way to reduce your driving insurance costs is to agree to have a black box installed in your vehicle. This is good news because it assesses the way that you as an individual drive and then classifies you on this, something that means you don’t end up paying for the mistake of others in your insurance bracket. Indeed, this is particularly useful for the very young, new drivers, the very old, and drivers with very powerful cars, as long as they can prove that they are safer than their counterparts. 


When your goal is to save money, heading straight to the row of cheaper tires seems like the most sensible choice. However, this is not always the case, because the tires you use can have a massive effect on how much or little fuel you consume. 

Indeed, higher fuel consumption is not the only problem when it comes to cheap tires as they also can compromise safety with shorter stopping distances as well as need to be replaced more often. 

The way you drive

Another way you can reduce the costs associated with driving is to change how you drive. This is because there are different styles of driving, and the more aggressive ones tend to cost more money over the long run. The reason for this is that more aggressive styles put additional strain on the mechanics of the car, as well as use up more fuel. 

Instead, a much better way of driving is to do so to make each journey as efficient as possible, which means reducing stopping and using the highest gear possible within the speed limit.

Take a driving course 

An advanced driving course can help lower both your insurance costs and your chance of being involved in an accident. After all, with advanced driving skills, you will be better able to handle any situation that being on the road throws you. 

Of course, no matter how advanced your driving skills are, the chances of getting into an accident when on the road are never zero. However, if you ever do find yourself in this situation, choosing an effective accident law firm afterwards can make all the difference. This is because they can assess your case and represent your rights in court, making sure you are awarded any compensation owed to you, both for the restoration of the damage to your car, and any medical bills that you might have incurred. 

Do your own maintenance 

There are always going to be some jobs that you can’t do yourself concerning your car. However, where possible maintaining your car and making basic repairs will save you a fortune over the long run. 

Concerning maintenance, it’s important to be able to complete several tasks. The first of these is changing the oil and water in your engine. Additionally, checking and charging your car battery is a useful skill to know too. 

Outside of the engine, being able to check your tires, and replace them when necessary is a skill that will save you a good deal of money. Although you will need to learn how to use a jack for this task. 

Other basic maintenance tasks it pays to know how to complete include changing wiper blades and screen wash. Oh, and being able to give your car a thorough wash, and detail both inside and out will keep it looking as fresh and new as the day you bought it, without a hefty price tag. 

Save on parking 

Many drivers, especially those that work or live in cities will know the high cost of paying for parking regularly. However, there are some tools available that can help lower this cost. For instance, by using an app that finds parking spaces you can compare costs and always choose the cheapest option. 

Additionally, some car parks offer discounts for booking multiple days, or months, like a season ticket, which could make you some great savings over a year.